School to Prison Pipeline meeting at Muhammad Ali Center

Sea of Violence - Discriminatory public policy left the West End of Louisville without jobs or adequate public transportation, when the alienated youth turned to street crime and gun violence, every public official wanted to be seen as being part of the solution.      HERE

The Mass Psychology of Racism

A Reichian Analysis of Social Pathology


Fair Housing Analysis as an  Inadequate’Apology for Slavery


West Louisville Ignored and

Juneteenth Apology


Poverty is the raw resource, 

Crime is the extractable product and 

Corrections is the value added process


Religious Leadership presiding over economic decline in West Louisville


School to Prison Pipeline:

Anthony D. Perry’s passion for justice brings

new light to Jefferson County Public Schools

‘zero tolerance’ policy and race disproportionate

academic suspensions


A West End History

Racist urban policy has kept the West End off balance  HERE

Losing the West End


Since 1997, the transportation planning process  eliminated fair consideration of transportation projects addressing the connectivity needs of the impoverished Title VI area.

April 4 Vacant Property Summit 

-What it sounds like when a Mayor wants to spend public funds to catalyze neighborhood growth      HERE

Vacant and Abandoned Property Policy is missing  race disparate data and  economic reinvestment in the west end  HERE

Parkway Place Housing Unit

trapped by poverty and urban design - structural racism  HERE

Social Justice and Urban Form

Billions of dollars in public funds are spent building infrastructure for doomed auto centric suburban centers outside the urban core while low income minorities are trapped in a declining ghetto dominated by joblessness and criminal markets.


Silent Crisis

Public policy neglect and the economic disinvestment in the West End leads to a   SILENT CRISIS    

Michelle Alexander

Michelle Alexander deconstructs the myths around disproportinate incarceration  HERE


Louisville west end 2012

“And you know, my friends, there comes a time,” he cried, “when people get tired of being trampled over by the iron feet of oppression. There comes a time when people get tired of being pushed out of the glittering sunlight of life’s July, and left standing amidst the piercing chill of an Alpine November . . . I want it to be known we are going to work with grim and bold determination –to gain justice on the buses of this city. And we are not wrong. We are not wrong in what we are doing. If we are wrong, the Supreme Court of this nation is wrong! If we are wrong God Almighty is wrong!  If we are wrong–Jesus of Nazareth was merely a utopian dreamer and never came down to earth!  If we are wrong– justice is a lie!.  And we are determined here in Montgomery –to work and fight until justice  runs down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream!”

                                                                                                                               Martin Luther King

quoted in “Parting the Waters: America in the King Years 1954-1963” by Taylor Branch

Alternative media blogs

Urban Louisville

Louisville Courant


Published online at Louisville, Kentucky USA -

An independent, secular, contemporary journal of political and environmental issues dedicated to peaceful reduction of human impacts on Earth

       INDEX       I        TRANSPORTATION       I        SOCIAL JUSTICE        I        ENVIRONMENT    I       CREEKS         I        PHOTO ESSAYS        I    BOOKS & ARTICLES